Saturday, May 23, 2009

The voice of the Lord is powerful and majestic

The voice of the Lord is powerful and majestic. - Ps 29:4
"The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars; yes, the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon." -Psalm 29:5
Cedars of Lebanon: this tree can grow up to 130ft tall and over 8ft in diameter.

Deuteronomy 8
The Lord humbles us and lets us be "hungry" so that we must trust that He will provide for us. We do not live by bread alone, but by what proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord. (The voice of the Lord is powerful and majestic).
We must beware, for when we have eaten and are satisfied, when things are going well, our hearts tend to become proud. He does these things so that we can never say that we have achieved all the wealth and glory for ourselves by ourselves, we have only been able to come this far because of Him and Him alone. (Deut. 8:17)
"Remember the Lord Your God. He is the one whoe give you power to be successful, in order to fulfill the covenant He confirmed to your ancestors with an oath." -Deut. 8:18

Sunday, May 10, 2009


What is going on?
I don't feel like myself here
I can't control even my next breath
so why do I even try?
You have such an incredible plan that I can't even fathom

Strip me of my flesh
Unveil me
Let me be more than a mere
silhouette of who You are

I feel like I'm standing in a stagnant place
And I need Your help to move
I need humility and wisdom
And I need to trust You alone.
More than anything I need more of You

Strip me of my flesh
Unveil me
Let me be more than a mere
silhouette of who You are.